Tuesday 1 June 2010

Following my recent tweets over the weekend, many of you may now know that my place within JUiCE no longer stands! I promised a blog, and here it is…

About a month ago, Jamie approached a management company about a contract for the band! At the time, every member of the band was extremely excited about this and all seemed well! However, after looking through the contract with my parents and having had time to think through the advantages and disadvantages of the whole situation, I proposed to the rest of the members that we postpone the contract for a few months whilst we developed our act.

I can assure all of you, that my best interests were at heart and that I believed writing new songs, getting a photoshoot along with a music video and the like would of been the best path to take to further the success of JUiCE as a band.

Unfortunately, Jamie and Chris did not seem to see the long term effects of what my suggestion may have led to and decided to continue with their interests without even considering my point of view. I found this upsetting after having been an extremely loyal and hard working band member throughout the past months.

With being a true musician, I always respect people’s ideas and their suggestions. I listened to the others members interests and took every single one into account whilst making my decision. I stand my ground firmly with my own interests and ambitions, and did so with these in mind whilst trying to compromise several times with the contract and the band’s future.

Having entered the 1Click2Fame competition, I was overjoyed at the support we had gained from our fan base who helped us through both rounds to win the professional music video and most importantly, the £25,000 sponsorship for the following year. We had many plans with the sponsorship to record new material and music videos etc for all our fans… I’m not sure what will happen with the winnings and the Grand Final. This will all come down to the discretion of 1Click2Fame…

After having gone through several stages with the contract and countless meetings, emails, phone calls and texts with other band members, none of my interests were fulfilled. On a couple of occasions, Jamie had said that he was quitting the band himself and furthering his career on his own. After trying to resolve this, it seemed that contract would be put to the side for the time being and that we would be developing our act. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Jamie and Chris persisted that the contract be signed and I wasn’t happy.

It is at this stage that I would like to inform you all that I have not left JUiCE. Having been told I was “holding back and ruining my career” by both Jamie and Chris, they along with Callum have kicked me out of the band and have signed the contract with Piper Music Management without myself. The management company had been told that JUiCE would be signing as a three-piece band before I was actually informed I was no longer a part of the band.

I am disgusted, that none of the boys had told me face-to-face or by any means of direct communication that the contract had been signed! Many of you will have seen Chris’ message on twitter, and this was the first time I heard too!

I am very upset that the other members of JUiCE have decided that furthering their career under the first contract offered is more important than sticking by your friends and making a success together. I believed that having waited a few months and with hard work, other contracts with more established management companies would have been offered to ourselves.

I always thought that my friends would have been loyal and respected how I felt with this situation. It is times like these where you discover that this is not the case!

With the hard work I have put in since starting JUiCE, I would have never left the band and I would like to make clear that despite what is said, I have on behalf of Jamie, Chris and Callum been kicked out of the band.

I would also like to point out that I fully appreciate the backing I have always had, and always will receive from my immediate family and relatives. They fully support me in my decisions and guide me through my career within the Musical Industry with their best advice.

I am quite upset that it has all come to this and that this is my final curtain call with JUiCE!

This is not the last you will see of me, and I will never give up! You may have brought me down boys but I am most certainly not out!

Good Luck to you in the very rushed decision you have made! I hope it serves you well and that this truly is the right decision for the three of you?

I hope you realize what you have thrown away and that you are happy with causing this much distress to one of your ‘best friends!’

For everyone’s support whilst I have been in JUiCE and for what you have helped us achieve, Thank You and I love you all. I hope you will still support me in what I chose to do in the future as I will always appreciate the effort and help you give me.

Richard Green.

I’ll be back! That’s a promise!

P.S - I know you’ll be shaking your head now calling me a dick and thinking I’m an absolute ass hole, but I never lie, I always tell the truth and I stand my ground for what I believe!